What Can You Do If Accident Damage Was Not Repaired Properly
If your car was recently damaged in a collision and you had it repaired, inspect it thoroughly to ensure it has been restored to its pre-crash condition before authorizing your insurer to pay for the work.
If the collision caused severe damage and repairs involved replacing important components, take your car for a spin. During the test drive, check the alignment of the wheels, ensure that the headlights are functioning correctly, and watch out for steering problems and any new or unusual noises.
A reputable auto body shop will typically conduct a post-repair inspection before returning a vehicle to its owner. A post-repair inspection ensures that all the damage has been assessed and repaired, the repair is up to standard, and everything substantial has been noticed during the repair process. A thorough inspection by a neutral, knowledgeable party can confirm or dismiss any concerns about the repairs being done correctly.
What to do if you are not Satisfied With the Repair?
If you are unsatisfied with the repair and believe that the repair team could have done better, discuss your concerns with a professional collision repair center in Healdsburg, like Silveira Auto Body. Bring any defects you have noticed to their attention. Make sure the collision repair center manager understands your concerns before you pay the bill or submit it to your insurance.
Contact Your Insurer
The car should be restored to its pre-accident condition, regardless of whether the repair shop is in your insurance company’s preferred network. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of repair or believe that the collision repair center needs to do more to address the problem, contact your insurance company for assistance. Your insurer may want to inspect your car before releasing payment.
File a Complaint
If your car wasn’t repaired properly and the collision repair shop ignores your inspection requests, you can file a complaint with the Bureau of Auto Repair.
The bureau is responsible for ensuring that customers are treated fairly, and that automotive repairs are done correctly. The Bureau of Auto Repair will review your complaint. If the repair does not meet industry standards, they may instruct the collision repair center to perform further maintenance or refund your money.
Sometimes, the bureau may negotiate an adjustment on the complainant’s behalf or request a different shop to do repairs.
Post a Review
If you still need to get more satisfied with the repair, post a review on platforms such as; Auto Body Review, Google My Business, and Yelp. Instead of making vague complaints, be specific about your experience, explaining how the collision repair shop could have handled your criticism better.
Visit a Trusted Professional
Silveira Auto Body is a renowned auto body repair shop servicing Healdsburg. Our unparalleled ability to repair any collision damage sets us apart from other Healdsburg auto body repair shops. Make an appointment with our experts to ensure all your repair needs are met. Call (707) 433-2424.